PharmaFoods - The Truth Behind Food Made In Chemistry Labs
Science and technology has made our lives today healthier and more enjoyable in the 21st century. We have fast cars, medicine for our ailments, and the internet for information. A hundred years ago, nothing we have today has passed through anyone's imagination.
Nor has the horrors we have today from science being abused. Today, over half the food you buy in the grocery store is made in a chemistry laboratory. Instead of eating organic foods made by Mother Nature, the US Government finances for chemical corporations to make the food you eat so you get sicker easier.
Most people in America have no comprehension of what genetically modified foods (GMO) are or how they affect our every day lives and young children. In the past month, many Americans have heard in the media about Whole Foods selling GMO foods. They have always claimed to be the organic grocery store; a claim that is now falsified. This is a wake up to all Americans to do their homework on what they are feeding themselves, if not their children.
There are two corporations that are the true giant in chemical based foods: Dow Chemical and Monsanto. Most Americans have barely heard anything of these two corporate giants in our food supply. Thus, we can look back at history and see what these two companies have done for the world in the past.
During the Vietnam War, Dow Chemical and Monsanto were giant chemicals companies back then. They were the creators of the infamous poison used in Vietnam War called Agent Orange.
Just think for a second about eating Agent Orange every time you go to the supermarket or fast food restaurant. That seems to give me the shivers also. It is scary to think that we are getting poisoned by chemicals when we shop at grocery store and get a quick bite to eat at fast food restaurants. I have not eaten any fast food for 5 years when I learned about the risk of eating GMOs.
We see many foods in the grocery store and fruit stand that are labeled natural and organic. Natural does not mean chemical free. A good example is Kashi cereal. Their soybeans were confirmed to not be organic. Thus, it was made in a chemistry lab.
Organic is food and produce that does not possess any of the poisons that farmers use to fertilize their crops. But, they are not 100 percent organic because they are grown on the same soil that was used for natural foods. Yet, they are the most organic that is legal to claim as organic.
Organic foods are heavy on the wallet. Even I think I spend a lot of money each month for buying organic instead of low cost produce and shelf items at my local supermarket. But, one has to remember that they are saving money in the future buy paying 2-3 times the regular price. How so? This is because organic foods will not give you cancers or severe disabilities in the future.
The next time you go grocery shopping, take a look at the quality of the item. We look at the price automatically. Pay a few cents more for the better quality and purchase organic. We may not know it today, but our lives do depend on what we eat today. As the old saying goes: You are what you eat. If you eat Franken Burgers, then you are Frankenstein. If you eat Organic burgers, then you are human.
Do you want to be Human or a Zombie? The choice is yours!
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