Hemorrhoid Relief With a High Fiber Diet - Does It Work?

A low fiber diet results in constipation which in turn leads to problem hemorrhoids, so is it safe to assume we can find hemorrhoids relief with a high fiber diet?

Every single person on the planet has hemorrhoids, we are born with them.

They become an inconvenient and painful problem for some when they become inflamed and swollen due to various causes one of which could be diet.

If you are experiencing pain, itching, discomfort and perhaps anal bleeding you should first get an appointment with your doctor to determine the exact problem.

Should your doctor diagnose your condition as hemorrhoids it may be time for you to examine your dietary habits.

If junk food is a staple of your diet this very often leads to constipation causing you to strain while trying to have a bowel movement which in turn produces pressure on the veins in the rectal area; the blood supply gets cut off and the veins become swollen and inflamed; the result equals problem hemorrhoids.
It may be time to introduce some fiber to your diet however you should know that a high fiber diet alone will not cure your condition but it will help tremendously in preventing them from appearing again.

If constipation has been an unwelcome companion of late you should probably wait until it has subsided before adding fiber otherwise all you will have is constipation with fiber.
Alcohol, coffee and soft drinks with caffeine also aid in the problem of constipation.

You would be wise to substitute 6-10 glasses of water per day in place of them. This will have the effect of softening your stool making it easier to complete a bowel movement without straining and eliminating your constipation.

After your constipation has gone you can start to add fiber to your diet slowly. Do not go from junk food junkie to high fiber addict overnight. Your system needs time to adjust.

Soluble and insoluble fiber move through your digestive system without breaking down helping digested food move faster which in turn helps to prevent constipation.

20-30 grams of fiber per day is recommended by most health experts but most people only manage 11 grams on average.

Where do you get high fiber

Whole grains such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, barley and bran are all high in natural fiber.
Vegetable high in fiber with a water component such as spinach, brussels sprouts, artichokes and peas are all helpful in a diet to prevent problem hemorrhoids.

You will find high amounts of fiber in strawberries, raspberries, apples as well as pears and they are all delicious.
Supplements to increase your fiber consumption can also be used but this is not as beneficial as natural fiber found in the foods mentioned above.

Foods to avoid

Junk food more than likely got you into this painful position, avoid it at all costs.

It would also probably be wise to limit your intake of low fiber foods such as dairy products, fish, meat and poultry.
Any food made with white flour such as cakes, pies and pastries should be avoided. Yes I know it is painful but they just lead to additional weight and constipation, both strong culprits in the formation of hemorrhoids.


So will you get hemorrhoids relief with a high fiber diet? By itself, probably not without some medicinal assistance but it will definitely help prevent them from coming back in the future to make your life miserable again.

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