The Boy Scout Approach to Losing Weight: Be Prepared!


One of the greatest mistakes that people make when trying to lose weight and find nutritional health is that they put themselves in a position of unpreparedness. We all need sustenance. 

If we go long enough without food, our stomach starts to growl. Wait a bit more, and it feels like our stomach is being eaten alive by the acids inside. By the time we're really hungry, we start staring at pets around the house and consider their caloric value.

So when we get hungry and don't have anything around to eat, we tend to seek out what's most convenient. We search for jars and bowls of candy. We ask our co-workers if they want to split an extra-large pizza. This is why we all need to adhere to the Boy Scout motto: Be Prepared.

Every single day we're surrounded by unhealthy foods presented by fast-food companies trying to grab our attention with large portions, quick service, and cheap prices. Those companies know that the key to their business is the window shopper- the person who didn't plan on eating out, but who sees the sign, hears the advertisement, and drops through the drive-through for a quick bite.

In essence, companies selling unhealthy food are trying to get us to cheat on ourselves when we venture out for the day. They want us to give in to our desires. They rely on it. Thus, being prepared is essential if you want to establish a balanced relationship with food. That's our only defense in the fast-food war.

I know we're all busy, and life keeps us from preparing healthy meals from scratch each and every day.  With a job and a family of my own, I understand the pressure and stress that a busy schedule can bring.

So I simplify things. Twice a week I marinate my meats, cut my vegetables, and cook my meals. I line up a series of containers and create a variety of meals and healthy snacks that will serve me for the next three days. Put simply, I get prepared to skip the drive-through.

By preparing my meals in advance, but doing so only twice a week (instead of seven, which is not practical), I know for sure what I will be eating and that it will be healthy. I can guarantee that each meal will keep me going toward my goals- and more importantly I make it easy.

As you pack up your prepared meals (good portions of meat and vegetables) and healthy snacks and head out for the day, rest assured in the knowledge that you won't need to seek sustenance. Every time you here your stomach growl, you will have an option that will quell the hunger, but not at the expense of your health or your waistline.


People don't fall off the wagon because they need a hamburger. More often than not they buy that burger out of lack of preparation. The key to change is making the right foods just as convenient (if not more than) the unhealthy options that are thrown in your direction several times a day.

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