Is Belly Fat More Harmful To You Than Any Other Fat?

According to research it has been discovered that the fat that accumulates around the belly or tummy area is far more dangerous to you than anywhere else in the body.


It is well documented that fat sitting around the tummy area is more likely to cause and increased risk of heart disease and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Fat that sits around the tummy area is now believed to be toxic too. There are two types of fat around the tummy subcutaneous which is just under the skin and visceral which surrounds the liver and other organs.

Because the fat that accumulates here is mostly visceral fat there is a likelihood of increasing arachidonic acid. There is a much higher risk of becoming infertile, having a significantly lower immune system and developing cancer. It is also linked to high blood pressure, stroke, and gallstones and recent research now suggests a strong link to developing Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia in later life.

If like me you are an apple shape or endomorph then this is bad news. It is already bad enough that we have muffin tops and find it more difficult to find clothes that look good on us but now we find out that our own body fat could cause more harm than we first thought.

Statistics also now show that in the UK 57 per cent of people are now in the overweight category with at least 5cm extra around their waist area. To be in the overweight or obese zone you actually only need to have a waistline of above 80cm or 31.5in and a BMI above 25.

If having a large tummy isn't spur enough to start that diet and even the risks to your health are not enough to motivate you then ask yourself this, "What do I need, to get motivated to lose the weight that could eventually kill me" or "why I am I sabotaging my body and life with all this extra weight".

Many people would just say to you to go on a diet but if it were that easy you wouldn't have a problem in the first place right?

It may be that you are an emotional or comfort eater, if so then you will need to get your head in the right place first. You must want to lose the weight for yourself and your own health or you will struggle to get it off, it is much more difficult to stick to a diet if you are trying to lose it for someone else like your partner or parents. Unless of course you want to lose it for your children so that you can stay around long enough to see your children grow up and have children of their own, then that would be a very powerful motivation.

You will need to learn to deal with the stresses in your life and everything life throws at you without resorting to food as your support, then you will be able tackle your body weight.

Until you are ready to tackle your weight problem completely at the very least start cutting down on the high fat and high sugar over processed foods a little bit each and every day. Cut down on your portion sizes and start looking into a diet that will really suit you, your lifestyle and your needs.

Find inspiration and motivation to get you started and increase the activities that you do with some gentle exercises.
Now go for it.

If you need support there are many groups out there where you can go to get moral support, or if you have a friend or family member with the same problem suggest tactfully that you embark on a weight loss campaign together. You can then help each other to lose weight together.

If you want to follow me on my weight loss journey then visit my diet and keep fit website as I progress along my own path to a healthier happier slimmer self.

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