Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise: Why They're Both Important

Aerobic and anaerobic- what's the difference?
Aerobic exercise requires the body to use oxygen to produce energy. With anaerobic exercise, the body creates energy without extra oxygen- your body relies on its natural chemicals to create the energy.

Benefits associated with aerobic activity

When you are involved in aerobic exercises (walking, running, swimming, canoeing) you breathe heavier and use more oxygen. During these moments, your heart beats faster, your flow of blood increases which suggests the oxygen moving to and moving from your muscles will increase too. 

Your capillaries are what deliver the oxygen to your muscles and remove the waste (carbon dioxide, lactic acid) basically "cleaning" the muscles. Also through this procedure you help develop your body's defense mechanisms and rid your body of toxins that can assist you "ward off illnesses".

Aerobic activity 3-5 times per week can certainly help enhance your heart and make it move blood more efficiently and help it get to and move from your muscles more efficiently and correctly. Aerobic exercise is a key component in slimming down and keeping it off, reducing heart related illnesses, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes- simply to mention a few.

The body at the same time emits endorphins which are a all-natural pain killer and "mood enhancer". The release of endorphins helps minimize stress and anxiety, enable you to sleep much better and will often help reduce the chances of depression.
So get movin!

Advantages of anaerobic exercise

Anaerobic translates "without oxygen" and resistance training is the most effective technique of anaerobic training. Loss of lean muscle mass can begin in the early 20s if you are not careful. When you reduce lean muscle mass, your metabolism slows down, your strength weakens as well as your "functional fitness" can decrease- which can lead to you getting hurt even while participating in everyday activities like using the stairs. 

But guess what happens? You can also get the muscle again! Add strength training. It helps rebuild that muscle mass, bolster not only your muscles but additionally your bones, improve your metabolism and lower your excess body fat. 

The more lean muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism which means the greater amount of calories you burn up (while you are at rest, and whenever you're recreating! Go through my article about metabolism for additional information)

Muscle building at least two times weekly can also help protect against cardiovascular disease, weight problems, arthritis, lower back pain and type 2 diabetes to name a few.

"Strength training" is often times a scary term, however it doesn't always translate into "heavy lifting". Strength training may be lunges with 5lb weights, squats, push-ups, whatever! You can use weights or even your body weight will work as perfectly!

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