Choose Your Extreme Personal Diet Plan

Summer has come and gone for most of us, and while the promise of sun sand and surf is enough to bring a smile to anyone's face, there are those who hate the prospect of summer since it means a lot of time on the beach which leads to the need to wear bathing suits. 

The idea of wearing a bathing suit sends thousands of people running to bookstores and the internet to nab copies of personal diet plans that sell on the lose-weight-fast premise. So if you fancy yourself as one tough bird and the idea of hunger, dizziness and lethargy doesn't scare you, then read on to discover the merits of some of the more famous fad diets out there.

The Lemonade Diet

This diet also goes by the name Master Cleanse diet where a person is forced to exist on a beguiling mixture of lemonade, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water; Makes my stomach turn just thinking about it. But what the heck, you will look good in a bikini and no funky tasting mixture will stand in your way.

The Topsy-turvy diet

One mind boggling personal diet this. It involves sort of scrambling the order in which you take your meals. Like, eating breakfast food for lunch, lunch food for dinner and eating dinner food during breakfast. A lady lost 200lbs while on this diet, so maybe it does work. What make sit hard for people is that it demands a complete lifestyle change.

The Air-force/ Army diet.

This diet is called the Russian air-force diet or the Israeli army diet. Normal people just use the Atkins diet. You have to admit, this diet might work after all since none of those guys seem to have any extra pounds on them, unless we're talking muscle of course. But that's for another time. 

This diet means you do not ingest any carbohydrates. You will not eat any pasta, rice or grains understand? Of course you will be cranky and tired due to the lack of carbs, but if you look good in your bathing suit, then it's well worth the hunger.

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