5 Key Ingredients For Making Every Trip With Your Dog A Success

5 Key Ingredients For Making Every Trip With Your Dog A Success

Planning on taking a trip with your dog? What a great idea! Traveling with your dog is perhaps one of the coolest things you can do with them. 

It stimulates their mind by allowing them to experience new and exciting places, but it also allows you to experience one of the best parts about being a dog owner - having a friend that you can take with you just about anywhere. Below are a few things that you should remember to make every trip with your dog a success:

1. Get Them Used To The Car

If you'll be driving anywhere with your dog, then it's quite a good idea to have them accustomed to being driven around in the car - otherwise be prepared for quite an unpleasant experience. Do this by taking short trips to fun and interesting places that reward them, so they realize that traveling in the car is quite a cool thing after all.

2. Take Enough Supplies

Doggy poop bags, treats, food - all of these are likely to be essential on a trip with your dog, so be sure to bring enough. You never know when you'll need to pull over for a quick toilet stop in a public place - and people probably won't be very appreciative if you don't clean up after your dog. Likewise, when you finally get to your destination there's a good chance finding food for your dog could be a tough ask - bring some from home to be sure.

3. Walk Them Beforehand

Anytime your dog is going to be confined in one space for quite a lengthy period of time, you should try to give them plenty of exercise beforehand if possible. This is important for two reasons - firstly, it makes them much more relaxed and so they will most likely sleep for most of the trip without causing much trouble. But also it gives them a much-needed chance to evacuate their bowels, so you won't be entertained with the smell of a dog who desperately needs to go to the toilet for the whole trip.

4. Make Sure They Are Secure

Whenever you're traveling with your dog in the car, the law says that they need to be restrained in some way - otherwise you will risk getting a fine. There are two main ways you can do this - the first is with a dog crate and the second is with a dog seat belt or car restraint. It is more a matter of preference as to which one you should choose, as there is no real proof that one offers more protection for your dog than the other. Both methods will require your dog getting used to before you go ahead and take them on a long trip.

5. Keep Them Comfortable

Put a nice blanket or bed in the back seat of your car - or inside the crate if you're using one - to make them as comfortable as possible and allow them to stay relaxed and quiet. Also make sure you keep supplying them with water throughout the trip, as being confined in a car can make them quite dehydrated. Likewise, you want to make sure the car is kept at a comfortable temperature so they don't become overheated.

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