Chinese Tea to Lose Weight: What You Should Know

When most people hear about drinking Chinese tea to lose weight, they get quite curious. You are not alone; this kind of green tea mainly found in china has received extensive research as most people do not know the properties of this green tea which make it possible for a person trying to lose weight to do so with ease.


The studies yielded this research compared the waste of two different groups of people who had consumed the tea. A group of people consumed Oolong tea a popular weight loss beverage while another consumed green tea. The group that consumed green tea was found to lose more weight than the rest of the group.

As it was found, the secret in this coffee lies in only one ingredient found in this coffee. This ingredient is called catechin.

How it works in weight reduction:

Catechin was found to be a great ingredient in increasing the body's metabolic system. This way the fats are digested faster so if you are over weight, you will be able to shed some pounds. In the same way, it releases a digestive enzyme which is capable of fighting fat in the system. It is able to prevent the build up of fat and thus weight gain is made difficult.

The green tea is also known to act as an appetite regulator. This is made possible by the presence of a hormone known as leptin. As a result, those people who find it difficult to avoid eating find this behavior quite easy to regulate. Eating in binge is not good just as much as little food is not good for those who want to lose weight. Thus the Chinese tea helps a bit to keep this kind of eating in check. However, one needs to be careful as this hormone can also increase their appetite. So in order to get the desired results, make sure that you consume it in the right amounts.

Thermo genesis:

This is a process which occurs in the body and is responsible for generating heat. Whenever it occurs, the metabolic rate also increases. In essence the Chinese tea has been found to have this property. It affects the neurotransmitters automatically leading to increased metabolism. In so doing, the body is able to burn excess fat as well as getting rid of the accumulating waste materials in the body. Particularly, the fat around the hips, thighs and waist are burned. This means that it could be quite good for women because they find losing fats around this area quite difficult.

With this in mind, do not consider weight loss difficult anymore. At the same time quit tricking Chinese tea as an ancient practice. In fact, it is not typical of the Chinese only and you too can use it. Using the Chinese tea to lose weight is not a bad way after all. As you will realize, with most teas, doctors do not recommend it as a long term weight loss plan. So as much as you may find that you are reaping the benefits, be careful not to drown yourself with it in the name of weight loss, drink in moderation.

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