Summertime Cat Care

Summer is the time to get outside with your cat. Just note that your cat will feel the heat before you do.

As the summer months progress it is vital to ensure your cat stays cool as the temperature rises. Below are a few helpful tips that are sure to keep you cat comfortable and healthy.

Make sure you cat has a full bowl of clean and cold water. Nothing is more refreshing than an ice-cold drink of water on a balmy summer day. Your cat feels the same way. On really humid and steamy hot days, place a few ice cubes in your kitties bowl to keep the water cold. Don't neglect to change the water daily to prevent against bacteria and algae.

Cats love a game of ice hockey. On a smooth floor, toss an ice cube toward your cat. Swat it back to him if he returns your serve. Continuing the volley until he loses interest is a foolproof way to keep your cat cool and have some fun at the same time.

High humidity coupled with high temperatures can put your cat at risk of heatstroke. On extremely humid days, try to keep your home cool with fans or air conditioning. In the yard, providing an inexpensive water mister or sprinkler can give cats relief from the heat.

Give a little more TLC to special needs cats. We must remember that similar to humans, senior cats, very young kittens, and sick or debilitated animals are more sensitive to hot weather. Keeping these cats cool at all times and watch them closely for signs of heat-related illness. Scheduling your veterinary appointments and outside activities early in the morning or in the evenings can prevent rides in the sweltering car during the hottest part of the day.

Never leave your cat alone in a car. Quick trips to the store always take longer than you expected and leaving windows cracked won't help keep him cool, and can be very dangerous. On an 85 degree summer's day the inside car temperature can reach 120 degrees (F) in a matter of minutes even with the windows slightly open.

Look for tears in your screens and secure them. Cats favor the windowsill to stay cool, especially during warmer months. A loose or improperly fastened screen may fall or rip further. Use safety screens on all open windows and make sure they are installed properly.

Monitor your cat for symptoms of heatstroke. Heatstroke is medical emergency. If you believe or your pet is showing signs of heatstroke you must act quickly: Immediately move your cat to a cool place and immediately contact your veterinarian.

Symptoms of heatstroke include:



Red tongue and lips


Weakness and collapsing



Keep in mind, summer is a time for fun for all animals alike. With just a few precautions, you can be sure you and your cats will beat the heat.

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