Natural Weight Loss With Ayurveda

Losing weight is a billion dollar industry, and yet our obesity rates keep rising each year.  What gives?  Why do we struggle to achieve and maintain our ideal weight?    Why do we keep spending so much money on pills, books, and diets and nothing seems to work for the long term?

How did we get here? "Counting Points" for the rest of your life just doesn't seems natural or appealing?
In my private ayurvedic practice I have coached hundreds of clients to help them break out of this cycle.  The one simple solution is to work with the rhythms of your own unique nature and constitution.

According to Ayurveda, each person has their own unique constitution, called a "dosha".  The three types: vata, pitta, and kapha, are determined by the unique combination of "the 6 elements" found in nature.

To maintain good nutrition and your ideal weight you need only know what your unique combinaation is, and follow a seasonal nutrition plan based on "pacifying" and balancing your dosha.
One of the biggest mistakes I see with clients is that they don't vary their diet according to the seasons and their body type.  Why does this matter?

Here's a simple example.  Vata types tend to have the qualities of cold and dry.  They tend to have slow digestion and get constipated.  If they eat dry cereal flakes nearly every day for breakfast, then they add more dry qualities to the situation.  They may be thinking,"Oh, I'll change brands and get a cereal that has more fiber", not realizing that it's not a lack of fiber but the dryness that is causing constipation.

When digestion is impaired, as in the above example, metabolism slows down and the body doesn't digest properly, causing digestive toxins to accumulate.  A slow metabolism causes weight gain because the body doesn't burn fuel, (calories) efficiently.

So the simple remedy for vata types to achieve and maintain their ideal weight is to follow a seasonal approach to meal planning and nutrition.  During winter, (vata season), vata types will do best to eat foods that are warm and moist, not cold and dry.  This is an ideal time for cooked fruits and cereals, saving the granola, bran flakes, or toast for summer months when the digestive fires are higher and more efficient.

Kapha types are the most likely to put on extra weight and to hold on to "water weight".  These types are balanced by eating a diet that is specific to their specific challenges and staying away from foods that are cooling and moist, like yogurt and cheese.  These foods cause an increase in moisture for kapha types which in turn, slows their digestion, leading to weight gain.

Once you know your body type, Ayurveda offers a seasonal plan to follow for optimal digestion and calorie burning.  Eating according to your dosha provides optimal nutrition and fat burning so that you never have to say "diet" again.

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