Yoga Manages Weight and Health

Yoga is considered as one of the most versatile exercises around. It has the ability to benefit your body, mind and spirit if properly practiced. Perhaps one of the most common reasons that ladies take up the exercise is because yoga is able to assist them in their weight and health management through the breathing techniques, meditation and poses used.

Weight is something that ladies are very conscious about. It is a psychological factor that can determine their self-esteem and confidence in life. Unknown to many, breathing deeply and consciously is able to help in burning more calories apart from allowing one to relax. In fact, studies have shown that regular deep breathing can burn up to 140 per cent more calories as compared to riding a stationary bicycle. 

However, you will still have to keep in mind that your diet also plays a factor in the amount of calories that you burn. You can't expect to be burning the optimal amount of calories if you are having an intake of unhealthy food.

As yoga emphasises on deep breathing techniques, it is considered to be extremely helpful for weight management. Bikram or Hot yoga is one of the better forms of yoga to assist in this. Exercises are conducted in a heated room with temperatures above 100 degrees. Other than Bikram yoga, another good form of yoga to aid in burning calories is Ashtanga yoga. 

This form is a combination of yoga poses along with deep breathing techniques. It is important to note that both of the forms recommended can be physically demanding. Hence, always consult your doctor first before trying it out and remember not to push yourself over your limits.

Managing our health is just as important or even more so than weight management. We have to be able to match what we eat with the correct amount of exercise. Yoga helps to manage your health by cleansing your body from all the harmful toxin and controlling the blood pressure and cholesterol levels. 

This is essential in ensuring that our organs continue to function properly.

Inverted yoga poses are typically the best choice in this case because the poses improve on blood circulation throughout the entire body. Inverted yoga poses consist of the plough pose, the headstand and the crane pose. A suggested form of yoga for health management is therapy yoga as it is well known for aiding in various medical conditions.

Weight and health management is crucial because it affects our body and its functions. We have to be in control of both at all times in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Yoga is an exercise that allows us to have that control. Therefore, by practicing yoga, we will be able to stay healthy and in shape.

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