How Can I Lose Weight Eating In Restaurants?
The problem with eating out is the food is designed to not to be good for you. I think most of us realize this and feel the guilt when we leave feeling stuffed with the most gut busting food you can deep fry, covered with cheese and full of fat, right?
Here are a few guidelines to stick to when you go out and you can still eat healthy while losing or maintaining your weight. When eating out you should consider the type of restaurant you want to eat at.
1. Vegetarian places are the experts at fixing meals low in fat and low in calories and can be really tasty!
Vegetarian does not mean all salads, which cannot sustain you while eating to lose weight in the long run, no matter how much you like it.
2. If you choose a non vegetarian restaurant, be careful with the type of meat to order. Choose chicken that is broiled well and never fried in a pan! Stay away from beef and pork because they are very high in fat.
3. When you order salad always order the dressing on the side.
Most restaurants cover the salad in dressing defeating the whole idea of taking in fewer calories and fat.
4. Try not to frequent buffets unless all you eat is a salad or fruit combination! Most of those type of foods are cooked in large amounts and greater amounts of fat to make it taste better, so watch out.
Ask for a take out container and portion out what you don't want to eat till later, making two smaller meals instead of one huge one in your tummy.
5. Control the portions on a smaller plate to trick the stomach.
Before taking your first bite keep in mind you want to eat less than normal and try to eat slower. You brain does not register from your stomach that you are full until about 20 minutes after the fact!
6. Drink a large glass of water before you eat, simply because you will be fuller quicker when you eat and a lot less intake means weight loss. I always order water with a Lemon wedge for a little taste.
7. A nice soup and a salad meal seems like a good idea at first if you are looking to lose weight but you must use a bit of sense here. Stay away from the creamy soups and pasta salads as they are touted as a health food but are really laden with fat.
8. Say no to dessert-unless you have ever enjoyed Sherbet that would be a good choice! Realize that even if you try to eat smart that dessert can cancel all your efforts out. Just say no.
9. Try to eat out for lunch mainly instead of a later dinner.
Eating a bigger meal at lunch will give you more time to digest it better and metabolize it sooner. Of course you should aim to eat a smaller meal for supper as you will expend much less energy in the evening normally and your metabolism will be much slower.
Eating lighter before bedtime helps to give you a much better rest.
Follow these 9 basic rules of thumb and you will gradually notice you won't need to eat as much to feel full and you begin to drop 2-3 pounds a week on average with these little suggestions.
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