Achieving Rapid Weight Loss Is Possible By Eating These Fruits

Why does it seem like the best-tasting foods are the ones that are the worst for our bodies? That doesn't have to be the case, though. While few weight loss plans are as effective as combining exercise with decreasing your food intake, one commonly overlooked way to lose weight is probably found right in your refrigerator or kitchen counter: fruit.

Fruits are not only filling and packed with important nutrients and minerals, they can also provide an energy boost. While all fruits are good for your body, some are particularly good for helping you lose weight. There's nothing processed with fresh fruit, either. They contain natural carbohydrates and sugar. Below are a few fruits that can help with rapid weight loss.

An apple a day... keeps the weight off

How many calories are found in apples? Zero. Apples are also absent of sodium and contain very little fat. Red and green apples are good sources of vitamins B and C in addition to needed minerals and antioxidants. And if you've ever wondered why you feel filled up after eating an apple, there's a reason for that. Apples expand in your stomach, causing you to fill up quickly. That, in turn, helps stave off hunger. Don't peel the skin, though, because it's a good source of fiber. Studies show that apples help fight against cancer and heart disease.

Raspberries: A dieting A-C-E

Doctors say raspberries are among the best foods for weight loss that can be eaten daily. The reason? They're packed with vitamins A, C and E and various minerals and nutrients. Low in calories and saturated fats, raspberries help fight off inflammation, infections and the effects of aging. They also help make your heart stronger, protect against cancer, protect your vision and they help prevent arteries from hardening.

Speed up your metabolism with bananas

Whether green or yellow, nutrient-rich bananas are high in fat-burning resistant starch, meaning you can enjoy a banana anytime, guilt-free. Bananas also help the body digest food, which speeds up the metabolism.

Lose weight, prevent heart disease with strawberries

Low-calorie strawberries are a good source of vitamins B, C and K, in addition to numerous minerals and fiber. Like apples, the nutrients in strawberries help fill your stomach, which should help those late-night food cravings. Strawberries also speed up your metabolism, protect your heart, help control your blood sugar level and help prevent arthritis, heart disease, cancer and inflammation.

Pass the (avocado) dip

Avocados consist of monounsaturated fats, which tells the body that your stomach is full. Avocados also help stave off cardiovascular disease in addition to helping you lose weight.

Boost your immune system and shed pounds with kiwi

Kiwi is one of the fruits with the lowest amount of calories. The fiber helps you feel fuller longer and contains the same amount of potassium as bananas, which helps sore muscle relief. Kiwi also helps stave off disease and the effects of aging, improves eyesight and boosts the immune system.

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