Weight Loss: It's All In The Mind

With all the images that are available on the Internet and television and movies, there seems to be a preconceived notion of health. Health, to be formally explained, is a state of physical, mental, and social well being and not the basic element of being disease free. Moreover, it isn't just about getting ripped biceps and washboard abs but it is about the whole, the holistic integrity of the human body.

As obesity has become an issue in most countries, especially in the more developed areas of the globe, it has become a concern for people as well as children to be able to maintain the right weight, according to their respective heights, not only to look good but most importantly feel good about one self. Before doing the needed diet and exercise to achieve such weight loss goals it is only most important to have the best positive mindset.

First you must rid your mind from everything you see and hear about weight loss. Free yourself from the expectations and unsolicited advices that everyone will be dying to give out to you when they found out you're trying to lose a few. Everyone is different, and you must be flexible to changes that come about in your weight loss program.

Believe in yourself. For you and you alone can make this happen. You can change your state of mind for the good and you can pull yourself down, either way the amount of work will still be the same but the results will always vary. Most especially, believe in what you are doing. If you think of it hard enough, true enough it will materialize to getting that waist line, fitting into that dress and getting a healthier, more youthful and stronger body.

When you are about to give up, don't! Your only enemy is you. Everything difficult is everything valuable. No one achieved success without having to sacrifice and give up the extra serving, the extra mile and the extra chocolate bar. At the midst of the most trying times of your weight loss efforts, always rephrase your way of mind from "I can't do it" to "I can and I will!".

Be realistic. Set goals and time frames and never forget that you are merely human. Start small working your way up to bigger goals so as not to feel overwhelmed and deprived. And at the end of the day, when all the hard work has paid off, do not forget to give yourself a much deserved break and positive reinforcement. 

Write inspirational and motivational cue cards in places that you think would be a relief to see after a tough day of training, and you will be surprised how these will work as great pick-uppers.
Change the way you think and you will soon see the change in you.

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