How to Lose Weight Fast With a Ridiculously Easy Exercise Routine

How to Lose Weight Fast With a Ridiculously Easy Exercise Routine

You know what? I've never been into exercise. No, wait a minute, that's not strong enough - I always hated exercising. But I learned to love it.

How did I do that? By making it as simple and effective as possible. No gym memberships, no DVDs that have you flying through the air, and no fancy gym equipment.

Today, I want to show you a few ridiculously simple exercise routines that actually work.

Get out There and Walk

Walking is the best way to start burning calories. Yes, it's really that simple. Get out, enjoy the fresh air, bring along a pair of headphones, and walk the fat right off.

But actually it's not quite that simple. You've got to increase the pace a little. Take your usual walking speed and crank it up a notch. The key is to walk fast and make your heart pump a little.

You should also do it a lot. I'm not talking about a 10-minute stroll around the block. Walk for an hour if possible and try to do it every day. It sounds like a lot but trust me, it's so easy. All it takes is a little time.

One way to make the most of your time is to walk instead of driving. If you drive to a grocery store that's a half-hour walk from your house, walk it instead. That is, if you aren't buying a whole shopping cart full of groceries.

Lift Weights

Most people don't think about weight lifting when it comes to fat-burning. After all, everybody always tells you cardio is the way. But what they don't realize is that well-maintained muscles turn your body into a calorie-burning machine. They even burn calories when you're not moving!

weight loss by Nutritional Tips For Conquering Cravings

In order to maintain muscle tissue, your body burns calories. All you need to do is to build the muscle and you'll start losing calories immediately.

Get a set of weights. Light ones are okay. The point is to push your muscles beyond what they're used to. When they encounter resistance, that's when you start building muscle.

Warm up before you start lifting. Do repetitions until you start to feel the strain, and then give them a rest. Lift weights slowly with your back straight and make sure you breathe.

As you get used to the weights you've got, upgrade to something heavier for a little more challenge.


Crunches are great because not only are they effective, you can do them while you're watching TV.

Lay down on the floor with your knees bent and pointing up. Your hands should be clasped behind your head and your feet should be flat on the ground.

Take a deep breath and pull your knees toward your chest while raising your upper body. When you get up there and you can feel the muscles pulling, hold the position for three seconds. Go back to your starting position and do 10 to 15 repetitions.

These are all easy exercise ideas that you can work into your schedule. I recommend these because they're great even for people who hate to exercise.

Give them a try!

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