The Master Cleanse Reviewed

The Master Cleanse Reviewed

Even if you do not consider yourself to be health conscious, you have likely heard of the Master Cleanse.  Although the Master Cleanse has always been a popular way to detoxify the body, the award winning singer Beyonce brought it additional attention.  Even though many claim the Master Cleanse is successful, it is important to understand the process before you get started.

The ingredients needed for the Master Cleanse include cayenne pepper, grade b maple syrup, water, fresh lemons, and senna tea.  In terms of instructions, the best thing to do is to purchase a Master Cleanse guidebook.  There are different guides and books available for sale.  In addition to detailed instructions, you will be provided with other tips and tricks to help you on the cleanse.

Although the purchase of the Master Cleanse guide is recommended, a drink will consist of 2 tablespoons of lemon juice from a fresh lemon, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, and 8 ounces of water.  It is important to use genuine grade b maple syrup, not artificial, and a fresh lemon, not the prepackaged lemon juice.  Six to ten glasses of this concoction can be taken everyday.

In addition to the drink mix, which you will have multiple times throughout the day, senna tea is recommended at night.  This tea will help to prepare your digestive system for the follow day.  Many also do a salt-water flush each morning, also to help the process along.  A salt-water flush will contain a small amount of salt, which should be natural sea salt.

The Master Cleanse, although classified as a whole body cleansing program, will work wonders for your colon and digestive track.  For this reason, you will make multiple trips to the bathroom.  You may want to start the cleanse on a weekend, giving you time to adjust before you return to work.  Despite the possibility of a variance, many see almost immediate results following the morning’s salt-water flush.

As for the length of the Master Cleanse, you will find some variances.  Many start out with a 10-day cleanse; however, there are reports of people cleansing for a month or more.  If this is your first cleanse, it is important to start out slow and small.  Aim for the 10 days.  With that said, some individuals cannot handle 10 days without solid foods.  If you experience severe pain and discomfort, stop the cleanse.  For many, it takes a couple of tries before they are able to achieve a full 10-day cleanse.

Speaking of pain and discomfort, you will likely experience it.  Going even two days without the consumption of solid foods will result in moderate to severe hunger pains.  These pains may be accompanied by dizziness and nausea.  If you are a coffee or soda drinker, you may start to experience caffeine withdrawal.  In addition to dizziness and vomiting, you may develop a severe headache.  Many also report stomach cramps; however, those who deal with these craps, often report disappearance within a day or two.

Following the master cleanse, you may crave solid foods.  Before you start eating everything you have craved for the past week, it is important to start out slow.  Adding too many solid foods to your diet right away can have serious complications, including stomach pains and vomiting.  You should start with all-natural juice, applesauce, and other easy to digest and sallow foods.

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