The Best Way to Lose Fat - Top Tips
The Best Way to Lose Fat - Top Tips |
For many people, gearing up to begin a weight loss program is a big ordeal. Issues, such as what type of diet to try, what foods to buy and what gym to join, sometimes tempt us to put dieting off until we have more time to organize everything.
However, there is no time like the present, and losing weight does not have to mean changing your whole life. Let's find out the best way to lose fat and start losing weight today!
One of the first things to do when you want to lose some excess pounds is to stop indulging in junk and fast foods. It is much easier to get into the habit of eating the wrong foods than to get out, but cold turkey is the best method. Best way to lose fat is to eliminate all foods that contain added sugar, white flour and saturated fats. This list would include sweets, pastries, white bread and rice, fried foods and drinks that contain sugar. If you can accomplish this, you have taken the first big step toward losing those unwanted pounds!
Next, go through your cupboards and refrigerator and do a thorough check-up. Throw out, or give away, foods that you shouldn't eat. Keep only the items that have nutritional value. Out of sight is really out of mind in this case. If poor food choices are not readily available, it will be easy to avoid them.
Now that you have a clean slate, head to the grocery store and stock up on healthy foods. You will need plenty of lean protein, such as lean beef, poultry and fish.
Load up on salad ingredients and veggies. The rule is, the more colorful items in this category offer the most nutritional value. Great choices include green, leafy lettuces, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach and peppers of all colors. Next, choose your favorites from the bounty of seasonal fruits available.
Try to include berries, such as strawberries and blueberries, as these are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants that boost your immune system and fight off disease. Don't forget to replace your old fat sources with good fats, such as olive oil and avocados. Fat isn't a bad word, just choose good varieties and use in moderation.
One of the most underestimated best ways to lose fat is portion control. It can be hard to resist dishing up a large meal when you are hungry, but start small. Try using a smaller plate, and serve yourself small portions of healthy foods. Then wait for twenty minutes or so. If you still feel hungry, go back for seconds of salad and vegetables. You may even find that after a few minutes, you really aren't hungry anymore.
It may sound counter-intuitive but eating more often actually can be one of the best ways to lose fat! Research has shown that consuming five smaller meals each day promotes weight loss, and keeps the metabolism working at optimum levels. Spreading your meals out will keep you full throughout the day and prevent dips and spikes in blood sugar that often cause cravings.
Be sure to drink plenty of water. We hear this often, but drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily has many positive effects on weight loss. Water is a natural appetite suppressant. It cleanses your body of toxins and keeps you well-hydrated for better health and extra energy. If it is difficult for you to drink a lot of water, try keeping a large bottle with you throughout the day to sip on. By the end of the day, you will have met your H2O requirement painlessly!
Change your cooking style. Stop frying foods in oil, and avoid sauces and breading. Instead, try grilling and baking meat and fish more often. Learn how to cook with interesting, flavorful spices, and you won't miss all the fat and extra calories that sauces and gravies supply.
Roast your veggies with a drizzle of olive oil and some pepper for a change of pace. Create colorful, nutritious salads with a rainbow of lettuce, vegetables and a splash of vinegar and olive oil. And just because you are trying to lose weight, don't deprive yourself of dessert. Fresh fruit, low-fat sorbet or a baked apple with cinnamon and low-cal whipped topping are great treats if you have a sweet tooth.
Finally, be sure to get some type of exercise at least five days per week. A brisk walk after dinner, a bike-ride with the kids or even your favorite sport can keep you in shape without having to spend a fortune on a gym membership you may not have time to use anyway. Action is the key word here.
As you can see from the top tips above on the best way to lose fat, you actually have everything right at your fingertips! Forget the pre-packaged meals, expensive fitness trainers and complicated diet plans. Get control of your diet now, and you can begin your journey to weight loss success today!
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