Walking to Health After Lap Band Surgery
Walking to Health After Lap Band Surgery |
All lap band surgery patients are informed even before undergoing the procedure, that weight loss goals can only be achieved if surgery is followed by serious commitment to healthy lifestyle habits with the main focus on nutrition and exercise. An average of 30 minutes of daily moderate-level physical activity is recommended. It might come as a surprise and to some maybe as a relief also, that brisk walking done on a regular basis enters the aforementioned physical activity category.
The Benefits of Walking after Lap Band Procedure
Walking is an easily accessible method to keep physically active and it requires little or no financial investment at all. While other types of physical activity are not recommended during the first few days, sometimes weeks after lap band procedure, walking can and has to be done starting with day one. When physical the physical strength and the overall health of the bariatric patient allow for a daily routine of 30 minutes walking, this period can be divided into shorter slots also. It is recommended however, to give walking at least 10 minutes of time each time. The following health benefits of regular walking have been evidenced by several studies conducted on the subject:
Weight loss and improved weight control
Reduced risk of heart disease and stroke
Reduced blood pressure
Improvement of type 2 diabetes
Lower risk of colon cancer and other types of cancer such as breast cancer
Strengthening of the bone structure, thus reduced risk of bone fractures
Strengthening of the joints and improvement of arthritis pains
Strengthening of the muscles and improvement of overall fitness level
The golden rule of life after lap band procedure is to keep in close contact with the bariatric team (surgeon, dietitian, physical therapist) in the post-operative period, so that any incidental issue can be addressed immediately. A trained physical therapist can help you design the most appropriate exercise plan, fitted to your needs and weight loss goals. Inform your physical activity specialist about your walking routine and its progress.
A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body
If you stick to a daily walking routine, your body and mind will thank you in more than one way:
Higher energy levels
Better and more restful sleep
Improved self-confidence and a better self-image
The fact that you opted for lap band procedure indicates a desire for a better, healthier life. Daily walks can help you have that life. Get off your bus or tram one or two stops earlier, walk to the nearest shop instead of hopping into your car, take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc. Be creative in finding ways to insert walking into your everyday life and your body and mind will thank you.
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