The Sexy Spiritual Detox

The Sexy Spiritual Detox

This approach to mind/body/spirit is so unique! I truly believe healing of the body is your pathway to a healed life, healed relationship with money, with your business. When you have health you have it all! When you have money without health... you have nothing.

Let me tell you about how to combine physical detox with a spiritual detox!

First, you must go on a step by step clearing for your detox journey. A complete transformation you take each day for each chakra! 7 days 7 chakras cleared. Starting with the physical body, moving up to your energy center and where you lose power, then lifting up to where you do not speak your truth, and assisting you to see your divine purpose, and intuitive awareness finally we lead you to a spiritual awakening as you connect and clear your 7th chakra.

So as you set your intention for a detox you not only clear the foods out of your system like sugar, alcohol, coffee, carbs and soy. But you clear negative thinking, negative emotions, and spiritual blocks when you set out to explore a mind body and physical detox.

Here are some things you learn when you step out into the world of detoxing!
~You will Learn~
• The 3 easy detox secrets to releasing food cravings forever

• How to slim down through spiritually uplifting your life
• Learn how to detox for a week with the proper superfoods, elixirs, yoga, meditation, special visualizations, and the magical green juices

• How to live in this over processed, polluted, fast-paced, highly stressed world in your center of health and vitality no matter what life throws at you

• Feel free, uplifted and transformed through my powerful sizzling meditations guided by the expert panel

• How your thoughts negative thinking creates stress and pain in your life and what you can do about them
~ So ask yourself the following questions to see if you would benefit from a Detox... do you ever feel:

• Stressed or overwhelmed and unable to commit to your health program with constant disappointing results? 

• Have trouble sleeping, feel anxious, can't lose weight or constantly come down with the flu

• Feel STUCK or sluggish in life goals, gift or creative pursuits 
• Feel like you cannot get rid of the extra 10 lbs... or need to lose another 100~

• Want your body to get younger while you get older! 

• Can't find the energy or vitality to live the life you know you were born to live
Then perhaps you would benefit from a Spiritual Detox.
Let me tell you about the first 3 steps to get started:

1. Clear Sugar from your diet
2. Stop drinking alcohol and coffee
3. Stop all whites bread, rice, and pasta
4. Stop eating meat and soy
Wow, well what do you eat?
Begin to fill your diet with the following;
1. Dark leafy greens
2. Vegetable juice
3. Smoothies
4. Whole grains
5. Superfoods

Then you must start to keep a journal of all your negative thinking patterns. In order to heal the negative thinking you must begin to be aware.

Keep a journal and notice when you think how fat you are, how little you want to exercise, that you will never reach your goal, that you have tried everything already, you know that you have heard that... these are all voices of sabotage. Pay attention to this voice in order to transcend this voice!

Here are some of the benefits you get when you combine a physical cleanse with a spiritual cleanse:

Clarity on their life purpose
A place to go to spiritually reconnect
A recharge of their energy
To stop worrying about calories, obsessive exercise, or weighing themselves everyday
Plenty of energy, health, vitality to live their life purpose
A healthy body image that unleashes freedom to swim, wear a bathing suit, or tank top
A knowing you can eat what you want when you want because you trust your desires
Deep satisfaction knowing you have the knowledge to self-nurture, self-soothe without food

A deep intimate relationship with their own body so they can have more intimacy with others
"Energy, vitality, health, and a balanced body weight are your divine birth right. Get ready to claim your true energy, healthy body weight and abundant inner reserves of life force, now!"
So if you want to feel amazing, look 10 years younger. Commit to your own 7 day spiritual cleanse! No more negative thinking or dense heavy foods!

Watch when you take this step and make this commitment the things that change in your life!!!

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