The Master Cleanse Pros and Cons

The Master Cleanse Pros and Cons

Have you heard that the Master Cleanse is a great way to cleanse your body and to lose weight?  If so, you may want to give this body cleanse a try.  Before doing so, you are encouraged to learn about the Master Cleanse and its pros and cons.  This will enable you to determine if this cleanse is truly right for you.

The Pros

The length of the Master Cleanse can vary.  Online, you will find that people have done the Master Cleanse for as little as three days, but as many as a month or more.  This variance can work to your advantage.  It is recommended that you reach the 10-day mark before ending your cleanse.  This should give you the best results and enough time for your body to fully expel all unwanted and unneeded toxins.

There are Master Cleanse support groups online.  The Master Cleanse is a great way to cleanse and detoxify your body, but it will be a struggle.  10 days without solid foods can have a huge impact on your body.  Along the way, you will have questions and concerns.  When you do, you can turn to the internet.  There are many message boards devoted to the Master Cleanse and many act as support groups.

The Cons

The Master Cleanse costs money to get started.  In terms of cleansing and detoxification, many prefer the water fast, as little to no investment is needed.  On the other hand, you will need to pay to try the Master Cleanse.  What you pay for is your supplies.  These supplies will include genuine grade b maple syrup, fresh lemons, senna tea, cayenne pepper, and natural sea salt.  When to compared to the cost of many over-the-counter detox products, such as food pads or pills, you are still saving money.

The Master Cleanse has side effects.  As previously stated, the Master Cleanse produces effective results, but those results come at a cost.  You may experience moderate to severe abdominal pain and cramping, although this should quickly pass.  If you smoke cigarettes or drink caffeine, you may start to withdrawal, which can result in nausea, dizziness, and headaches.  There are also the trips to the bathrooms.  Racing to the bathroom can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, but it does mean that the Master Cleanse is working.

It may be difficult for you to stay on track.  As previously stated, the Master Cleanse will produce a number of side effects.  These side effects are more severe for some.  It often depends on your previous lifestyle.  If you find it too emotionally or physically difficult to continue the cleanse, stop.  You can later try again.  In fact, it takes many first-time cleansers one or two attempts before they are finally able to achieve a 10-day cleanse.

At the conclusion of your cleanse, you must carefully reintroduce solid foods to your body.  Whether you cleanse for 5 days, for 10 days, or more, it is important to slowly return to your normal eating habits.  Many find this difficult as most want to cure their carvings by eating.  You should start out small with soups and juices and then move on to more solid foods.  This gives your body time to readjust.  If you do not wait or do not make the transition slowly, you may experience abdominal pains and nausea.

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