The Best Strategy To Burn The Last 10 Pounds Fast

The Best Strategy To Burn The Last 10 Pounds Fast

The Best Strategy To Burn The Last 10 Pounds Fast If you want to learn how to lose weight and finally shed those last few pounds that just won't seem to leave your body regardless of what you do, you need to learn some top notch strategies that will enable faster success. 

Most people don't have too hard of a time learning how to lose weight when first beginning. Those initial pounds come off relatively quickly and easily as the body has a higher metabolic rate and isn't clinging onto stored body fat all that intensely. 

But, as you get leaner and learner, it's perfectly normal to find things become far more difficult. That's where the following strategies come into play to help you learn how to lose weight fast. Let's look at what you should know. 

Zigzag Your Calories The very first tip to help you learn How to lose weight fast is to consider zigzagging your calorie intake. Rather than eating a very low calorie intake for an extended period of time and having the metabolic rate adapt to this, slowing down how many calories it burns daily, stagger your calorie intake across the week. Have a few very low calorie days and then add in a few higher calorie days. 

The combination of this will keep your metabolism guessing as to what's coming next. In return, you keep burning fat off at an accelerated pace. Plus, the diet is that much more enjoyable as well. Go Very Low Carb/High Protein For One Week Second, you might also consider going on a very low carb, high protein diet for a one week period. 

This is a fast way to jumpstart weight loss progress but you can only do it for a brief period of time. Going too long without carbohydrates in the diet will have negative consequences, so limit yourself to just one week on this intense diet. 

After that, go back to a more moderate fat loss program. As you go low carb, make sure that you are still eating plenty of fresh vegetables however as these are going to provide the nutrients that your body needs during this time. 

Take A Break From Your Workouts Finally, the last thing to consider is taking a break from your workouts. Often times too much exercise combined with an intense diet is what causes problems to occur, so by taking a short break, you ease up on the body slightly so it won't hold onto body fat stores as readily. For the time being, simply focus on maintaining a good diet. If you do this, you should be able to maintain better dietary control and will feel better going about your workouts when you return back to the gym after the week off is up. 

So there you have some quick ways to learn how to lose weight when you're struggling to get those 10 pounds off. Often times some program re-adjustment will be necessary as you get down to the final few to get them off your body for good.

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