How to Lose Belly Fat - What You Can Do

How to Lose Belly Fat - What You Can Do

Diets do they work?
We all want to lose fat. But if there is one part of the body which is most unattractive if it is too 'big', it is the belly area. Belly fat can be the result of pregnancy, aging, genes, or unhealthy lifestyle. Whatever the reason might be, we all want to get rid of it, and get rid of it for good. General weight loss has a few rules of thumb that are applicable to losing that unpleasant pot belly. So here are some suggestions on how to lose belly fat.

First of all, you should be aware of your food intake. Eating more frequently but with less amount of food will keep you feel full for a longer period of time. Eating smaller meals five to six times a day with three-hour intervals between each meal can also establish your body clock - your body will get used to receiving only a specific amount of food at specific times of the day. This way, you will not crave for any in-between snacks that can be unhealthy.

Drinking at least eight times per day will also help in losing belly fat. Abundant water intake helps flush out body wastes and unsafe toxins out of our bodies, keeping our digestive functioning properly. Also, drinking water will keep you feeling full, steering you away from unnecessary eating.

Another useful pointer on how to lose belly fat: exercise. You can do exercises at home, be it aerobics or with machines, such as treadmills, if you have one. But if you have extra time and spare money, you can go to the gym. You can hire gym trainers who can give you specific instructions on what to do to lose your love handles. Either way, you have to make sure that you have sufficient exercises specific for both upper and lower abs. You can also perform some cardio workouts.

And just as important as healthy eating and exercise, is having a healthy lifestyle. Belly fat is also known as 'beer belly', and for a reason. Alcohol is proven to contain a fair amount of calories without any nutritional value. But what's worse is that alcohol, especially liquor, actually contributes to the formation of the pot belly by hindering the liver from breaking down fat. Alcohol consumption also boosts your appetite. This means that one might feel hungry even if their body does not really need the additional food anymore. It also increases estrogen (fat-storing hormone) while decreasing testosterone (hormones for muscle gain). But if one cannot pass up on alcohol, just avoid beer and have red wine instead.

All these tips on how to lose belly fat can be very helpful, but only if you are committed. Dedication is needed so that everything - eating the right amount of the right food at the right time, exercising daily, and staying alcohol-free - could be done on a regular basis. After all the adjustments that you will go through, you will see the results yourself: a new, fat-free you.

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