The Importance of Puppy/Dog Training
The Importance of Puppy/Dog Training |
Training your dog is an important responsibility that a dog owner will have. Not only for the owner's welfare or the welfare of everyone that is around him, but for the dog itself. Being a responsible owner is not only making sure he has food and water, or medical attention.
A well trained dog can be a great addition to any household but let's face it; an untrained dog that goes to the bathroom in the house, or pulls your dinner off the counter, or jumps on the dining room table and eats all your food or chasing after a car going down the street, or bites someone is not doing Fido any good.
As a good owner you need to teach your dog what you expect of him. There are many different methods to train your dog. What ever way you choose, stay with it and follow through.
Let's stick with some basic principles.
Be Consistent:
It is important for you to be consistent with your dog's routine. This will be one of main rules that help you with housetraining.
When your dog has a specific time for eating, sleeping, and playtime, he will more likely succeed in housetraining.
Keep an Eating Schedule:
Regular eating schedule will give your puppy a predictable appetite, which will help to regulate his digestive processes.
Obviously, the more food and water you give your puppy, the more he will need to eliminate.
Be sure to follow the instructions regarding how much to feed your puppy at which ages and weight level.
Also only leave your dog food down at meal times for about 20 minutes. Leaving food down throughout the day makes potty training much more difficult to master as it upsets your dog's toileting regime.
After your puppy eats, there will be a very short amount of time before he needs to eliminate. To be safe, take him outside 15 to 20 minutes after he eats.
Be sure to give your puppy plenty of water throughout the day, especially around mealtime because this is critical for carrying waste material from his body.
Keep a Sleeping Schedule:
Consistency in your puppy's sleeping patterns is also important. Crate training really comes in handy here. A puppy likes to keep his "den" clean, so he will be less likely to eliminate in his crate as long as it is not too big.
You can predict that a puppy will almost always need to eliminate when he wakes up in the morning or after naps. He should be given an opportunity to eliminate before retiring to the crate for a nap or for the night.
When a puppy is engaged in playtime, chances are he will need to eliminate during or afterwards. Keep your play sessions short and make sure you give him plenty of time to eliminate before coming back into the house.
Command Phrase
Think of a command phrase that you will say every time you want your dog to go outside. It could be "Do you want to go outside" or "Do you want to go potty?" You will use this same phrase every time you take him outside. Be consistent, don't say "do you want to go outside" in the morning and then say "Do you want to go potty" later. Your dog needs to learn what you are saying to him.
Again, be consistent and educate the whole family on the methods you choose to train your new puppy. Changing methods between family members will confuse you dog.
Do your research and have fun. With a little work you can enjoy a lifetime of happiness with your dog.
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